Singularity The only cloud-based system dedicated to managing printing presses, focusing on both the administrative and technical aspects. The system organizes administrative operations such as customer, supplier, employee, sales, inventory, and accounting management. It also enables management to monitor workflow across all departments of the printing press, from design to CTP , then printing, assembly, and finally packaging and delivery of orders.
System Features
1. A cloud-based system accessible from any location and any computer or mobile device.
2. Sending notifications to monitor and organize work.
3. Tracking workflow in the printing press.
4. Full integration with the existing system in the printing press.
5. Flexibility and speed in performing tasks.
6. Efficiency and fast operation.
7. Comprehensive archiving of all files and work tickets.
8. Quick access to required information.
9. Employee collaboration in using the system to update work progress and report issues.
System Sections
1. Address Book
The address book contains contact details for employees, customers, and suppliers, facilitating easy access when needed.
2. Sales Management
Add a Quote : This section allows adding price quotes for tenders that have not yet been agreed upon. These quotes are saved and priced until approved and converted into a print ticket.
Price Quotes : View all price quotes with the ability to modify, delete, or approve them to convert them into print tickets.
Add a Print Ticket : Create a print ticket ready to start work and directly transfer it to the CTP department.
Print Tickets : View all tickets and track their status in each department and their progress stage. Management can also modify or delete tickets and see tickets with errors.
Deleted Tickets : View all deleted tickets, the deletion time, and the employee responsible, with the ability to restore them if necessary.
Add Ticket Pricing : This section enables management to add pricing for tickets.
3. Human Resources
Department Management : Add and display the main departments in the company structure.
Add a New Employee : Add a new employee with their basic details, educational qualifications, contract information, and department assignment. The system also stores copies of the employee’s official documents.
Employee Management : View all employees, contract expiration dates if applicable, and modify or delete employee records. Additionally, access control settings can be managed.
4. Department Tasks
This section is designed for employees, where each specialized department has its own permissions. Employees track progress on tickets, process them in their respective departments, and pass them to the next stage.
Employees can pause work on a ticket temporarily if an issue arises, notifying management accordingly.
Work follows the same system in the following departments: Design Department , Sorting Department
Mail & Transport Department : Adding shipment details and printing waybills.
The company is working on releasing the updated version Singularity 2.0 which includes the following:
1.Accounting Department
.Ticket pricing calculator: Calculates the estimated ticket cost along with detailed resource consumption.
.Supplier accounts and invoicing management
.Customer invoices and balance management
2.Reporting Section including:
.Monthly and annual sales reports
.Sales reports by category
.Employee reports and evaluations
.Customer reports and order statistics
.Supplier reports and financial records
Test Account Details:
Password: 123456
.See Demo, Singularity